Howard Fine

Acting, Athletics and the power of failure....

Acting, Athletics and the power of failure....

John McDonnell, the most successful coach in American college athletics history, went to the same primary school as I did in the tiny west of Ireland village of Moygownagh , and ran barefoot through the field of rushes and damp grass opposite, running into the sunset hills for the sheer joy of it. I played gaelic football on that same soil, now a modern sports field and remember how I would mentally berate myself each time I ill-judged that pass, mis-kicked the clearance and lost my marker. The fear of the next mistake would wrap cold me in an unforgiving vice and I would curse my stupidly or cowardice under my breath. I wanted to just get to the end of the game without making another mistake, so played it as safe as I could. Limiting my mistakes by limiting anything creative in my football.  As a safe mediocre player I sought to avoid being jeered or cursed at (mainly by my inner self!). I choose relief at the final whistle rather than being truly creatively alive during the game - which was after all surely the whole point of playing football - for the joy of it.